
Building a Conversation: Aged Homelessness on the Rise

Researchers are sounding an alarm on a trend that’s been emerging for years: the homeless population is growing older, and the number of older homeless Americans is growing larger.  This is a trend that providers, first responders, and medical professionals have been seeing for quite some […]

It’s Time to Talk to Congress

The next two weeks are a key time in Congress’s work to create spending bills for the 2020 Fiscal Year. Hearing from their constituents can make a big difference. This is a good time to sign up for the Alliance’s […]

What I Learned about Housing First from Lloyd Pendleton

This piece is authored by Matthew Doherty, former Executive Director of the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness I was truly sorry to hear of the death of my friend Lloyd Pendleton in Utah earlier this year. Lloyd had provided […]

Two Ways of Looking at It: How We Evaluate Homelessness Numbers

The community of professionals working to end homelessness regularly rely on two types of numbers to judge progress in reaching our goal. “Counts” and “rates” figure significantly into both the Alliance’s recently released State of Homelessness 2019 and HUD’s Annual […]

Introducing the SYSTEM Series

Every day, the team at the Alliance works to help communities build more effective systems for ending homelessness. That work rolls out in several forms: through on-the-ground trainings and technical assistance in communities; with webinars, blogs, toolkits, and conference workshops; […]

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