
Rapid Re-housing Works: What the Evidence Says

A new paper released by Urban Institute pulls together the evidence for rapid re-housing. Over the past several years, rapid re-housing has become the primary tool to help people experiencing homelessness reconnect to permanent housing. The model began as an […]

What’s the Role of Emergency Shelter in Diversion?

In the most recent installment of the Alliance’s Emergency Shelter Learning Series, we addressed one of the most important practices in emergency shelter: the role of diversion. Diversion is a strategy that helps people experiencing a housing crisis quickly identify […]

Reviewing Congress’s To-Do List on Ending Homelessness

The House of Representatives has adjourned until after the November election, and the Senate will soon follow. Here are the actionable things related to homelessness that Congress got done (or is just finishing up); and the one big thing that […]

Hurricane Florence: The Homeless System’s Response

As the southeastern and mid-Atlantic sections of the U.S. nervously await the arrival of what could be a severely damaging hurricane, disaster preparedness is well underway. States of emergency have been declared and mandatory evacuations have been ordered along the […]

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