Preparing for the National Virtual Conference on Ending Homelessness

This year’s National Virtual Conference on Ending Homelessness covers four days of virtual workshops. In order to support our speakers and moderators participating in our virtual conference, we’ve created this page that contains resources and key information. It is also where you should submit your PowerPoint in PDF form (please submit your PowerPoint in PPT form directly to your Alliance workshop planner).

Please work closely with the Alliance staff person who is coordinating your workshop and your co-presenters to establish presentation lengths and formats. Most workshop presentations will range from 15-20 minutes. A solid benchmark for most presenters is one slide for every three minutes of presentation. The best thing to do is time yourself in advance!

All PowerPoint presentations must be in 16:9 (Widescreen) format.

Take a moment to read through the four-page Presenter Tips presentation provided by our wonderful Event Producer at JSAV, Sidney Stoper. Included is information on minimizing the risk of technical difficulties, getting the right lighting conditions, and reminders for the day-of process. 

For information on designing your workshop with a virtual audience in mind, view our four-part Virtual Workshop Series.

Submitting Presentations

We wish to provide all participants with access to session presentations as soon as possible. Workshop Presentations are due Monday, September 20th.  All presentations and other materials can be submitted by clicking the link below. 

Click Here To Submit Your Presentation

Presenter Tips



Designing for a Virtual Audience (Virtual Workshop Series Part 1)

Preparing for and designing presentations for virtual audiences presents some very different challenges than in-person workshops. In order to help prepare our speakers, the Alliance has created short videos on best practices for online workshops.

This video, Part 1 of the series, discusses the unique challenges virtual learners face when engaging with online workshops and how streamlining your message will help your workshop cut through the noise of distractions.

Keeping Wandering Minds on You (Virtual Workshop Series Part 2)

Part 2 of this series, this video discusses cognitive load and how visual clutter and complex content can cause your audience to disengage – as well as strategies to keep your presentation brief and clear.

“Can I Use This?” (Virtual Workshop Series Part 3)

Part 3 of this series provides general information about image and video copyrights and guidelines to use when adding visual media to your presentations.

No Audience Left Behind (Virtual Workshop Series Part 4)

This final installment discusses strategies for creating virtual workshops that are accessible to all audience members, including those who are neurodiverse and disabled.