
Past Events


Supportive Housing: A Crucial Part of an Effective System

Supportive housing is a crucial part of a high-functioning homeless response system, connecting individuals and families with affordable housing and tailored wrap-around services. High-performing supportive housing providers prioritize client choice, deliver quality services, and make data-focused decisions. They offer culturally […]


The FY24/25 NOFO: Creating a Roadmap to an Effective, Efficient & Equitable Homeless Response System

With $3.524 billion in funding made available through the FY2024 and FY2025 Continuum of Care Competition and Renewal or Replacement of Youth Homeless Demonstration Grants, Continuums of Care everywhere are well underway with their local processes. Join the Alliance to […]


State of Homelessness Webinar: A Path Forward

The National Alliance to End Homelessness released its State of Homelessness Report: 2024 Edition. Following the release, the Alliance’s Homelessness Research Institute will present the report’s key findings and lead a discussion with several leaders on solutions to reduce unsheltered […]


Joint Transitional Housing/Rapid Re-Housing (TH/RRH): Am I Doing it Right?

The Joint Component of Transitional Housing/Rapid Rehousing was introduced as a new type of project that communities could apply for that combines the activities of a transitional housing project with those of a rapid re-housing project. The joint component is […]


Rapid Re-Housing: A Proven Approach to Ending Homelessness

An effective response to homelessness requires permanent housing solutions with enough flexibility and options to meet an entire community’s diverse housing needs. But meeting these needs is a real challenge amid the nationwide housing affordability crisis. Rapid Re-Housing, as a […]


Emergency Shelter: Reimagining a Housing Focused Place People Want to Use

A safe, welcoming, low-barrier, and housing-focused shelter is a critical component of an effective homeless response system. Effective shelter practice requires listening to people with lived expertise and making cultural, philosophical, and operational shifts according to their feedback. This webinar […]

7/8 - 7/10

2024 National Conference on Ending Homelessness and Capitol Hill Day

The 2024 National Conference on Ending Homelessness and Capitol Hill Day brought together service providers, system leaders, advocates, and people with lived experience of homelessness to learn from each other, discuss best practices, and share new innovations in the field. […]


Coordinated Entry: Best Practices in Centering Equity and Ensuring Effectiveness

Effective Coordinated Entry systems increase consistency, efficiency, and equity in communities’ work to end homelessness. In practice, implementation has been an enormous challenge—making the scale of homelessness more visible, laying bare gaps in existing services, while exposing and in many […]


Housing Problem-Solving: From Diversion to Rapid Exit and Beyond

Housing problem-solving is a transformative, person-centered strategy exploring innovative, secure, cost-effective solutions for swiftly resolving housing crises. This distinctive philosophy differs from historically marginalizing practices by emphasizing genuine partnerships with individuals to empower them to overcome their housing crisis. In […]


Targeted Homelessness Prevention: Stemming the Inflow

Effectively tackling homelessness requires a strategic upstream approach prioritizing housing stability before individuals enter the homeless system. Given the constraints of limited homeless prevention resources, it is crucial to direct these resources towards those at the highest risk of homelessness. […]

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