The incoming Administration and Congress are considering repealing the Affordable Care Act (ACA). This will remove the expansion of Medicaid coverage to 12.3 million low-income persons in 32 states. Many of these individuals are experiencing homelessness and need access to health care and services provided under Medicaid.
Repealing the ACA will not only remove Medicaid coverage to millions of people in states that expanded the program but it will also roll back health care protections for people with preexisting conditions or who have costly health care needs.
Many people experiencing homelessness have complex and costly health conditions as a result or even as a cause of their homelessness. Making insurance out of reach to homeless persons exacerbates their health and their ability to be stably housed.
Repealing the ACA without an immediate replacement will be have severe adverse effects on people experiencing homelessness and those at risk. Tweet your elected officials and ask them to #SaveMedicaid.