Data Snapshot: Non-Cisgender Homeless Individuals Face Higher Risk of Being Unsheltered

June 20, 2023  |  Data and Graphics

Federal homelessness data shows that transgender, non-binary, and gender questioning people experience unsheltered homelessness at dramatically higher rates than their cisgender peers (people who identify with the gender assigned them at birth). These rates are likely even higher for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, given existing racial disparities in homelessness.

Disparities in sheltered status may be driven by a variety of factors, including: lack of family acceptance; housing and employment discrimination; lack of culturally-appropriate homeless outreach and services; and discriminatory policies that leave LGBTQ+ individuals to be excluded, unwelcome, or unsafe in many shelters.

The Alliance urges system leaders and providers to intentionally review all policies and services to ensure compliance with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Equal Access Rule so that this vulnerable population has equitable access to the lifesaving services that it needs.

View more data on gender and other disparities in the Alliance’s State of Homelessness Report.