2018 Transatlantic Practice Exchange

The Alliance and its partners in the United Kingdom are excited to open applications for the 2018 Transatlantic Practice Exchange.

This project is delivered by Homeless Link and the National Alliance to End Homelessness, with funding from the Oak Foundation.

The Exchange aims to develop future leaders in the homelessness sector and establish transatlantic good practice connections.

Five participants from the UK will be selected, based on a competitive application process, to spend up to two weeks with a homelessness organization in the US. During their placement, participants will explore a practice area of interest. Following the placement, participants will produce a report based on their learning to share with colleagues and the sector.

The project is aimed at people in senior project worker and junior manager roles.

Candidates will identify a practice area to explore and a hypothesis to test, and can propose a potential host organization or location for the placement. The Alliance can provide support identifying a host after shortlisting. Suggested practice areas are listed in our 2018 Topic and Application Guide, which you can download here, but candidates are also encouraged to research and suggest their own. The Alliance and Homeless Link will shortlist up to ten candidates for further assessment, before choosing the final five US participants for the 2018 Exchange.

Participants are responsible for planning their trip and will travel independently. Flights, accommodation and daily expenses are funded. Homeless Link and the Alliance will provide support and information throughout the project.

Candidates should be:

  • Working in homelessness service organizations Supported by their line manager and organization
  • Motivated, well-organized and reliable
  • Committed to personal development
  • Able to plan their trip, travel to the UK and spend up to two weeks on placement
  • Able to cover any expenses incurred over and above those funded by the project
  • Committed to writing a report drawing on their learning from the placement
  • Prepared to join networking and events, online and in person

The Alliance will:

  • Support shortlisted candidates to develop research questions, a hypothesis and learning objectives, and adjust objectives to suit the final host/placement
  • Liaise with Homeless Link to arrange a suitable placement
  • Provide a grant to pay for travel, accommodation and daily expenses
  • Facilitate networking with other Exchange participants
  • Support participants to write reports and share their learning

 Applications close at 9am on Tuesday 19th December. You are advised to download the application questions and prepare/proof your application in Word before submitting online, as you cannot export from the online survey. If you have any questions about the Exchange or the application process, contact Jared Thompson at jthompson@naeh.org.

Click here to access the application.


Exchange Expected Timeline (Dates may be subject to change):


Tuesday, December 19 
Application deadline 

January 2018
Shortlisted candidates are contacted and interviewed. 

5 candidates confirmed as participants and join the online community. 

February – March
Participants’ Exchange plans finalized (including travel arrangements, host itineraries) 

Participants join a preparation webinar and a planning workshop to meet other participants. 

April – May
Exchanges take place, with accompanying social media updates. 

May – June         
Reports drafted, edited and finalized. 

July onward
Candidates disseminate learning locally and nationally, attend follow-up workshop, plan future networking and implementation.