written by Jen Saunders and Guest Blogger Jason D. Alexander, Principal, Capacity for Change, LLC What resources are available to communities to support rapid re-housing (RRH)? While there are a lot sources of funding available, communities are often unsure of […]
Author: NAEH
Making Rapid Re-Housing the System Focus in Mercer County
written by Guest blogger, Marygrace Billek, Mercer County Department of Human Services The advent of the Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing (HEARTH) Act and the birth of rapid re-housing was a sea change for Mercer County NJ. […]
Combating Homelessness By Engaging Mainstream Systems
written by Guest blogger, Phil Ansell, Los Angeles County Homeless Initiative Mainstream government systems are fundamental to combating homelessness; yet, homeless service providers often struggle to effectively engage mainstream health, social services, and criminal justice systems. Mainstream systems are key […]
How Salt Lake City Makes Rapid Re-Housing Work
Guest Post: Michelle Flynn The Road Home, Salt Lake City, UT The Alliance has released the five key strategies for advancing rapid re-housing. Those strategies are: Build the Evidence, Adopt Standards of Excellence and Practice, Make Rapid Re-Housing Part of […]
Major Developments in Mental Health Reform
Mental health reform is a key component of ending homelessness for this disproportionate number of people suffering from mental health or substance use disorders. Cures Act Heads to President’s Desk In the past two weeks, Congress has moved quickly to […]