Author: NAEH

Changes to VA Grant and Per Diem Program

The Alliance works with partners across the country to develop and implement strategies that end homelessness. Together, these strategies are resulting in significant progress toward reaching this goal. Prevent homelessness before it occurs Focus on timely returns to Permanent housing Implement evidence based strategies at the community level Strengthen the support system for vulnerable.

New Guidance for Improving and Evaluating Rapid Re-Housing Practice

Whether you are a funder or state leader looking to increase effective implementation of rapid re-housing in your community, a provider interested in learning about how to improve your rapid re-housing program, or a Continuum of Care (CoC) wanting more information about how assess programs, the Alliance has released new guidelines that can help: Rapid Re-Housing Performance Benchmarks and Program Standards.

Breaking Down FY2017: What This Could Mean for Homeless Families

The Obama Administration just released its last federal budget proposal, for fiscal year 2017 (which starts October 1, 2016). Among other things, this budget request, more than any in recent years, articulates a broad and aggressive federal response to poverty and inequality in the United States. It puts housing at the center of that response, recognizing and remedying how housing crises, especially homelessness, make it nearly impossible for people to move ahead.