The Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing (HEARTH) Act set the stage for a significant transformation in the approach to ending homelessness in the United States. The HEARTH Act sets forth measurable outcomes for communities as they work towards […]
Category: Continuum of Care
Role of CoC Lead Agencies in Expanding Capacity and Improving Performance
This brief describes activities that local Continuum of Care (CoC) lead agencies, those tasked by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) with developing a systemic response to homelessness, can and should take to increase capacity and improve […]
Strategies to Secure and Expand Funds for Rapid Re-Housing
This brief is designed to help Continuums of Care (CoCs) identify successful strategies to increase resources to expand RRH. The brief includes tips to build community support for this expansion and key action steps for community and homeless system leaders […]
Coordinating Diverse Funding Streams for Rapid Re-Housing
This brief examines action steps that homeless service system leaders can adopt to improve coordination by funders and the strengths and challenges associated with these strategies.
Creating Systems and Culture Change around Rapid Re-Housing
This brief provides guidance for communities interested or currently engaged in efforts to expand rapid re-housing. It examines strategies communities who have transformed their homeless service system used to engage leadership, providers and the community. A national shift is underway […]