Category: Unsheltered

The Alliance’s Unsheltered blog series, explores trends, data, and interventions related to unsheltered homelessness.

COVID-19 and Homelessness

Post will be updated as additional resources become available. Last updated April 1, 2020.  General COVID-19 Info COVID-19 Cases in the United States (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) Coronavirus Resource Center (Johns Hopkins University) Alliance Materials COVID-19 Webinar Series […]

New Homelessness Numbers Reflect Uneven Progress, Increased Urgency

Despite Significant Decreases Among Families, Youth, and Veterans, Overall Homelessness Increases 2.7 Percent The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) 2019 Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) to Congress reveals that an estimated 567,715 people were identified homeless on […]

When Sleeping Outside is Breaking the Law

Can a city make it a criminal offense to sleep outside, if there are no shelters or other places for homeless people to sleep inside? That’s the issue in City of Boise v. Martin, a case that the Supreme Court […]

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