Content Type: Toolkits and Training Materials

Rapid Re-Housing Landlord Benefits Checklist

This checklist is a tool to advertise your program to potential landlords. The benefits listed are just examples of services provided by housing search agencies based on interviews with providers around the country. Be sure to modify the list so […]

FY16 HUD CoC Program Scoring Criteria Summary

Download our NOFA Score Estimating tool to help visualize and think strategically about the scoring criteria for the 2016 Continuum of Care NOFA. The first section outlines the scoring criteria for the Consolidated Application. The second section illustrates the points […]

Coordinated Assessment: Domestic Violence Survivors

Coordinated assessment centers must be prepared to serve domestic violence survivors seeking assistance and must be able to accommodate their safety and confidentiality needs. The tool below will help communities ensure their coordinated assessment process is serving survivors as safely […]

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