This course (through the Alliance’s Center for Learning) equips front line staff to make the most of the knowledge you produce by recording client data. Low enrollment fee; discounts available.
Content Type: Toolkits and Training Materials
Mobilizing Data as a Tool for Ending Homelessness: For CoC Leadership
This course (through the Alliance’s Center for Learning) equips system leaders to cultivate a culture that values and uses data in your local system. Low enrollment fee; discounts available.
Effective Emergency Shelter: An Introduction
This course (through the Alliance’s Center for Learning) introduces the five keys of effective emergency shelter and strategies for implementing them. Low enrollment fee; discounts available.
Understanding Housing First
This course (through the Alliance’s Center for Learning) provides an overview of Housing First principles, the evidence supporting a Housing First approach, and how to get started. Low enrollment fee; discounts available.
Rapid Re-Housing: An Introduction
This course (through the Alliance’s Center for Learning) provides an overview of the basic skills needed to house clients through Rapid Re-Housing (RRH) programs. Low enrollment fee; discounts available.