Content Type: Toolkits and Training Materials

Improving Street Outreach as a Community Learning Series

This sequence of three courses (through the Alliance’s Center for Learning) covers strategies for outreach workers to fuel connections, building a system level strategy, and creating partnerships with the business community around outreach. Courses are also available individually. Low enrollment […]

Racial Equity Learning Series

This sequence of three courses (through the Alliance’s Center for Learning) provides an overview of how historic and structural racism have created disparities among persons experiencing homelessness, discusses strategies for using data to understand and analyze disparities, and introduces action […]

Harm Reduction: Preparing People for Change

This course (through the Alliance’s Center for Learning) introduces harm reduction, a vital strategy for minimizing the negative consequences of substance use disorder. Low enrollment fee; discounts available.

Cultural Humility

This course (through the Alliance’s Center for Learning) discusses how to make clients feel safe and welcome through the practice of cultural humility. Low enrollment fee; discounts available.

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