In this recording of a webinar, " Prepare for the 2015 Point-in-Time Count: Unsheltered Count 101," which originally streamed Nov. 3, 2014, speakers discuss the basics of planning and implementing an unsheltered Point-in-Time (PIT) Count. William Snow of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) provides guidance on federal regulations, and leaders from the Continuums of Care (CoCs) in Las Vegas and Winston-Salem, N.C., share their most effective unsheltered PIT Count strategies.
EE Article Type: Webinar
Webinar Recording: Prepare for the 2015 Point-in-Time Count, Enumerating Unsheltered Youth
In this recording of a webinar, "Prepare for the 2015 Point In Time Count Enumerating Unsheltered Youth," which originally streamed Sept. 23, 2014, speakers discuss effective strategies for including youth in the upcoming 2015 Point-in-Time (PIT) Count. It covers everything from useful planning tactics, guidance from HUD on conducting reliable unsheltered counts of homeless youth, to PIT Count implementation. During the webinar, leaders from communities that span urban, suburban, and rural areas will share their most effective PIT Count strategies.
Continuum of Care Veteran Integration
This webinar, which originally streamed on Wednesday February 26, covers the Department of Veterans' Affairs' (VA) recently released Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) for the Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) program. Speakers address how "surge" funding represents a huge opportunity for the 78 communities that will receive it and also discuss the current state of the national push to end veteran homelessness and look at good rapid re-housing models.
Child Welfare Agencies: Identifying and Addressing Housing Needs
This webinar, which originally streamed October 21, 2013, explores how housing needs can impact the outcomes of families receiving child welfare family preservation or reunification services.
Working with Early Childhood Programs
This webinar explored linkages between housing and homeless service providers and early childhood development programs. Programs discussed include: Head Start/Early Head Start, Early Intervention (IDEA Part-C) services, and the Maternal Infant Early Childhood Home Visitation Program.