Author: NAEH

Housing Is Safety

This post is written by Genese Jones-Torrence, Vice President of Crisis Services at SafeNest: Temporary Assistance for Domestic Crisis. We’ve all heard the saying that “home is where the heart is,” but have we ever thought about what else a home […]

Ending Unsheltered Rural Homelessness: Employment Is a Path!

While there are significant challenges to ending unsheltered homelessness in rural America, employment is a key solution. Recently, the Colorado Center for Law and Social Policy interviewed workforce directors, Colorado Employment First managers, and job coaches across 25 counties in […]

Being Rural in the CoC Competition

Written by Zach Brown, West Virginia Balance of State Continuum of Care This post is part of a series to support communities as they complete their 2018 NOFA applications. You can see previous entries here, here, here, and here. The Continuum of […]

Sustaining Momentum after a Learning Collaborative

This post is part of a National Alliance to End Homelessness series highlighting the Rapid Re-Housing Learning Collaboratives in Georgia and Maryland. Read more about Learning Collaboratives here. Almost one year ago, 15 service providers across the State of Georgia […]