Category: System Design

Prevention Targeting 101

This brief is a concise how-to guide on how communities can begin or improve efforts to identify and effectively assist the households who are most likely to become homeless and serve them appropriately.

What is a Continuum of Care?

This resource explains what a Continuum of Care is, as well as details the necessary parts of a Continuum of Care (CoC) and how to plan a CoC. The US Department of Housing and Urban Development began to require communities to submit a single application for McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Grants in 1995. In 2009, there were 461 CoCs.

A Toolkit on Performance Measurement

This guidebook is intended to help you think of performance measurement as a program management tool you can use to document and quantify how your work makes a difference. It also allows you to communicate your program’s effectiveness to others. […]

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