The United States has made significant progress in the fight against homelessness among veterans. According to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), veteran homelessness has decreased by 46% since 2010. Indeed, three entire states and almost 80 significant localities have […]
Category: Veterans
Introducing the State of Homelessness 2019
The Alliance is excited to release the State of Homelessness 2019. This web-based annual report uses data to chart the nation’s progress towards ending homelessness. The information further informs policymaking as well as national discussions focused on improving awareness and solutions. As we move into a new year of the State of […]
Ending Veteran Homelessness on the Mississippi Gulf Coast
In 2014, veteran homelessness in Mississippi’s Gulfport/Gulf Coast Regional Continuum of Care (CoC) seemed intractable. Affording the basics in the CoC’s six counties (Harrison, Hancock, Jackson, George, Stone, and Pearl River) continues to be a challenge for many. According to […]
Ending Veteran Homelessness in Las Vegas and Southern Nevada: Veterans Affairs Medical Centers as a Key Partner
In 2010 and 2011, a national goal to end veteran homelessness made headlines across the country. Spurred by federal and local support, Las Vegas and the surrounding Southern Nevada region joined communities across the county to participate in the Mayors […]
Ending Veteran Homelessness in Virginia: A Statewide Collaboration
In 2013, Virginia convened a state summit on veteran homelessness. The summit launched a year of research and a robust 100-Day Challenge to End Veteran Homelessness in four communities. The Challenge evolved into a statewide effort that made Virginia the […]