Alliance staff and other experts will be discussing various tools, guidance, and strategies relating to how providers and homelessness system leaders can respond to the COVID-19 pandemic.
This page will be updated as subsequent webinars are conducted. View webinar recordings, slides, and other resources below, and register for COVID-19 webinars here. For an extensive list of resources relating to COVID-19 and homelessness, visit the Resource page of the Framework for an Equitable COVID-19 Homelessness Response.
Understanding & Planning for Federal Funding
First in the COVID-19 Webinar Series, this webinar provides an overview of federal stimulus funding to address the novel coronavirus pandemic among people experiencing or at risk of homelessness. It also provides recommendations for how community and system leaders should be planning and strategizing to implement those funds to achieve maximum benefit to reduce infection, negative health outcomes, and homelessness.
Understanding & Planning for Federal Funding (PDF)
Understanding & Planning for Federal Funding Takeaways (PDF)
Protocols for Addressing Sheltered and Unsheltered Homelessness
Homeless system providers and health systems are developing local COVID-19 approaches for people experiencing homelessness that are consistent with emerging guidance from the CDC, and informed by the experience of people on the ground working hard to keep clients and staff as safe as possible.
This webinar will present the guidance developed by the State of California with the University of California San Francisco Benioff Homelessness and Housing Initiative, and protocols being used by Abode Services in the San Francisco Bay Area. Guidance and protocols will include suggestions for shelter and emergency housing providers, outreach workers, and coordinating public health systems for how to reduce risk for the most vulnerable in unsheltered and congregate settings.
Watch and Download ContentSLIDES:
Protocols for Addressing Sheltered and Unsheltered Homelessness (PDF)
COVID-19 Recommended Protocol for People Experiencing Homelessness (State of California)
Recommended Strategic Approaches for COVID-19 Response for Individuals Experiencing Homelessness (State of California)
Serving and Supporting Unsheltered People During COVID-19
This webinar, facilitated by Iain De Jong of OrgCode Consulting, Inc., examines the following:
- a rationale for why and under which conditions street outreach should continue at this time
- examining and re-configuring the workflow for responding to unsheltered homelessness
- engagement precautions and considerations; supporting and responding to encampments
- prioritizing who to see
- harm reduction considerations
- responding to food insecurity
- protocols for encountering ill or deceased unsheltered persons
This webinar is a reprise of the webinar Iain De Jong provided for the Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness, with some slight modifications.
Watch and Download ContentSupporting People Remotely in Housing Programs During COVID-19
This webinar, facilitated by Iain De Jong of OrgCode Consulting, Inc., highlights a number of considerations for staff that work in Rapid Re-Housing (RRH) and Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) programs to support people remotely during the coronavirus pandemic.
Topics covered in the webinar include: staff wellness; communicating with program participants; considerations for prioritizing time and who to serve; staying connected; supporting financial matters; supporting harm reduction; addressing food security; changing support plans; assisting with crisis planning; and supporting landlords. This webinar is a condensed version of the original 90-minute webinar topic provided by OrgCode on March 31.
Watch and Download ContentWorking with FEMA to Address Homelessness During the Pandemic
To respond to the COVID-19 pandemic among people experiencing homelessness, 48 US states so far have declared states of emergency and many have begun applying for FEMA assistance to aid their efforts. Utilizing federal funding through FEMA can have a major impact in a community’s ability to ensure that people experiencing homelessness and those that serve them are safe and minimizing the risk of acquiring and transmitting the disease. It is paramount that States pursue FEMA funds and strategize how to use these funds strategically with other federal, state, and local dollars in their homelessness response.
This webinar focuses on the importance of following a framework for planning on the use of FEMA funding, an brief overview of FEMA and guidance on the types of assistance and eligible activities FEMA funding typically supports, and the experience of two states and their recent planning efforts and strategies to utilize FEMA funds to respond to the pandemic.
Watch and Download Content
SLIDES: Working with FEMA to Address Homelessness During the Pandemic (PDF)
TAKEAWAYS: Working with FEMA to Address Homelessness During the Pandemic Takeaways (PDF)
FEMA Response and Homelessness During COVID-19 (FAQ document + template letter)
NLIHC - Working with FEMA to Address COVID-19 Housing and Homelessness Needs (PDF)
Ensuring Racial Equity During the COVID-19 Homelessness Response
Early data suggests the COVID-19 pandemic is hitting Black communities particularly hard in the U.S. COVID-19 has exposed glaring health disparities across locales, bringing racial inequity into vivid focus. The subject of this webinar is on the homelessness system’s response to the intersection of COVID-19 and racial disparities.
Topics covered in the webinar include: racial disparities and health inequity, centering racial equity as a response to COVID-19 in the homelessness system, organizational inequity, and systems change.
Watch and Download ContentCOVID-19 and Data Collection Resources for Your Community
It is advisable for homeless service providers to capture data on COVID-19 status within the population they serve. This information is useful for public health planning, public and private funding allocations that are based on area need, as well as research to inform best practices around this type of crisis.
This webinar provides information related to HMIS data collection, privacy concerns, mobile data collection, as well as research and population sampling to determine the degree to which COVID-19 has impacted the homeless community. Experts in these areas will provide important information and share tools that will help your data collection efforts in the field.
Watch and Download ContentSLIDES: COVID-19 and Data Collection Resources for Your Community (PDF)
TAKEAWAYS: COVID-19 and Data Collection Resources for Your Community Takeaways (PDF)
Federal Funding to Address Homelessness and COVID-19: Ask the Experts
The CARES Act provided important new financial resources for addressing homelessness, both through grants to communities’ homelessness systems and through direct payments to most low-income individuals and families.
This webinar provides details about what new money is available and how to access it. It will also update listeners on the prospects for additional resources in upcoming legislation. Experts in federal policy are on the call to answer all your questions!
Watch and Download ContentEffective Advocacy During the Pandemic
Ensuring resources and responses are tailored to and reach people experiencing homelessness during the coronavirus crisis requires effective advocacy at all levels of government. Hear from national, state, and local experts about how you can up your advocacy game to benefit those who are most vulnerable during the pandemic.
SLIDES: Effective Advocacy During the Pandemic (PDF)
Focusing on People Who Are Unsheltered
As communities struggle to manage the intersection of the coronavirus pandemic and homelessness, many efforts have been focused on people who are sheltered. In the meantime, thousands of unsheltered people are unable to comply with social distancing or preventative hygiene recommendations because they are unsheltered.
This webinar focuses on making unsheltered homelessness an immediate priority during the pandemic, including by increasing street outreach and health services and getting unsheltered people into both shelter and housing as quickly as possible.
Watch and Download ContentSLIDES: Focusing on People Who Are Unsheltered (PDF)
Using Your Data to Analyze Racial Disparities During the Pandemic
Because of historic and ongoing structural racism, the coronavirus pandemic is hitting communities of color particularly hard. That same historic and structural racism also makes people of color more likely to experience homelessness. Homelessness systems and programs must understand and address the intersection of these two crises, and this webinar features a way to gather and analyze data to determine whether people of color experiencing homelessness are being equitably protected and served during the pandemic.
Making Housing Happen in Difficult Times

SLIDES: Making Housing Happen in Difficult Times (PDF)
Helping Survivors of Domestic Violence and Trafficking Stay Safe During the Pandemic
In this webinar, the Alliance and partner organizations explore strategies to help survivors of domestic and sexual violence and trafficking stay safe during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Leaders working in the intersection of housing, homelessness, domestic violence and trafficking share how their organizations meet the crisis and permanent housing needs of survivors and how they are expanding and modifying practices to improve shelter, housing, diversion/prevention and responses to survivors living without shelter.
Watch and Download ContentA Framework for COVID-19 Homelessness Response
Although the COVID-19 pandemic disproportionately threatens people experiencing homelessness, unprecedented levels of federal funding are flowing into states and localities to help meet the need. Homelessness could grow or shrink, depending on how these resources are used.
A Framework for COVID-19 Homelessness Response was developed to help communities use these new funds to meet public health and economic recovery goals on homelessness, strengthen the homeless response system for the future, and do it all with a racial justice and equity orientation. This webinar explores the Framework, its latest updates, and how communities can use it to keep people experiencing homelessness safe and put us on the path to a better future.
Watch and Download ContentSLIDES: A Framework for COVID-19 Homelessness Response (PDF)
TAKEAWAYS: A Framework for COVID-19 Homelessness Response (PDF)
Data Collection & COVID-19: Learning from the Field
This webinar demonstrates the value to homelessness systems of collecting and entering data related to COVID-19. It also covers workflow examples and how communities are managing the rapidly changing data collection needs they encounter. Finally, it covers ways in which providers are using data to make decisions about service delivery and prioritization.
SLIDES: Data Collection & COVID-19: Learning from the Field (PDF)
TAKEAWAYS: Data Collection & COVID-19: Learning from the Field (PDF)
Communities Using Data to Analyze Racial Disparities During the Pandemic – Here’s Where You Can Start
Because of historic and ongoing structural racism, the coronavirus pandemic is hitting communities of color hard. That same historic and structural racism also makes people of color more likely to experience homelessness. Homelessness systems and programs must understand and address the intersection of these two crises, and this webinar features four communities that are beginning to gather and analyze data to determine whether people of color experiencing homelessness are being equitably protected and served during the pandemic. Important data points regarding race and ethnicity are discussed, including some brainstorming on shaping the response if disparities are found.
Lifting up the Sky – Addressing the Pandemic & Indigenous Homelessness
Native people have a unique perspective on homelessness: since 1492, Native people have been fighting for relatives who were forcibly removed from their homelands. In 2020, Native people continue to battle the embedded, inequitable systems that keep relatives captured in homelessness. Indigenous people have some of the highest rates of homelessness, but Native-led solutions can provide answers for not just Native homelessness, but for all of our relatives who are experiencing homelessness.