Coordinated Entry Community Samples Resource Library

17 min

Per the U.S Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) Continuum of Care (CoC) Program interim rule, each CoC is required to implement a coordinated entry system that covers the geographic area of their CoC. The purpose of this resource library is to provide CoCs with a wide array of examples of coordinated entry documents, tools, and products that have been created by communities from across the country. These community-developed documents are compiled to reflect the various stages of coordinated entry implementation, design, and management approaches.

This library was developed in coordination with HUD. For more resources, visit HUD’s Coordinated Entry Community Samples Toolkit or read the Coordinated Entry Core Elements Guidebook.

Framework for Coordinated Entry

This section of the toolkit provides sample documents on the following topics: the Background, Purpose, and Benefits of Coordinated Entry, as well as Planning Coordinated Entry Using a System Approach. Within each topic of this section of the toolkit, communities will share how and why they have designed their coordinated entry system. Resources include local frequently asked questions (FAQs) on coordinated entry, training, operations manuals, and links to HUD resources on coordinated entry, such as the Coordinated Entry Notice and Coordinated Entry Guidebook.

View Resources

Please keep in mind that these are community developed resources, and are not official HUD guidance or resources and have not been vetted by the National Alliance to End Homelessness Center for Capacity Building to assure consistency with HUD’s Coordinated Entry Notice.

Background, Purpose and Benefits of Coordinated Entry

Coordinated Entry Notice | HUD, January 2017
The Coordinated Entry Notice expands on the key concepts, definitions, and requirements for coordinated entry that were first identified in the CE Policy Brief. The Notice is a type of HUD regulation, and therefore the requirements described in the Notice are items that CoCs must work to have in place.

Coordinated Entry Policy Brief | HUD, February 2015
This policy brief summarizes HUD’s views on goals for the coordinated entry process. This brief does not establish requirements for Continuums of Care (CoCs), but rather is meant to inform local efforts to further develop CoCs’ coordinated entry processes.

CoC Program interim rule | HUD, July 2012
The CoC Program interim rule codifies into regulation the requirements and expectations that HUD has for the homeless assistance projects that it funds through the CoC Program. Included in the interim rule is a definition of coordinated assessment/centralized intake (now referred to as “coordinated entry”).

SNAPS Weekly Focus: Why Coordinated Assessment is Critical to Ending Homelessness Locally | HUD, July 2013
This message from HUD SNAPS leadership provides a brief description of why HUD is focused on ensuring CoCs have implemented coordinated assessment systems. Communities can use this document to reinforce key HUD messages on the definition and application of coordinated entry.

Continuum of Care’s Coordinated Assessment System | HUD, September 2013
This presentation provides an overview of the coordinated entry system requirement under the CoC Program interim rule. The presentation explains the intent and details associated with this responsibility.

Southern Nevada Coordinated Intake FAQs | Las Vegas, NV
This document provides responses to frequently asked questions of providers participating in the Las Vegas, NV CoC’s coordinated entry system and those with general inquiries about how the system works.

Charlotte Mecklenburg CA Information Sheet | Charlotte, NC
This document provides an overview of the Charlotte, NC CoC’s coordinated entry system.

Houston/Harris County CoC Coordinated Entry System Presentation | Houston, TX
This presentation provides an overview of the Houston/Harris County CoC’s coordinated entry system.

Coordinated Access Fact Sheet | Houston, TX, October 2016
This document provides a brief overview of the Houston/Harris County CoC’s coordinated entry system.

Connecticut Coordinated Access Background and Map | State of Connecticut
This presentation provides an overview of the CT Coordinated Access Networks (CANs).

Matrix of Community Coordinated Entry Models | Focus Strategies, December 2014
This matrix provides a snapshot of eight unique implementations of coordinated entry systems. Information is provided on the access, assessment and prioritization processes for each community, as well as an overview of the relative strengths and challenges with each implementation.

Planning Coordinated Entry Using a System Approach

Las Vegas: Coordinated Intake Presentation | Las Vegas, NV, September 2015
This presentation outlines the state of homelessness in Nevada and plans to pilot a Coordinated Intake approach throughout the state.

Shelter Matrices | Milwaukee, WI, December 2015
These sample matrices were developed by the Milwaukee CoC with the intention of mapping out visually the various barriers inherent in current emergency shelters prior to the coordinated entry system. This can be the first step in identifying the barriers that must be removed in various programs in order for CE to succeed.

Northeast Florida Continuum of Care Written Standards of Operating Policies & Procedures | Jacksonville, FL
These sample written standards for the Jacksonville CoC define each housing and services type.

Coordinated Intake Provider Tool Planning Coordinated Entry Using a System Approach | Las Vegas, NV
This two-page document succinctly summarizes the providers’ responsibilities for the Las Vegas CoC’s coordinated entry system.

Southern Nevada CoC Coordinated Intake Process for Households without Children | Las Vegas, NV
This document explains in detail the Coordinated Intake Process for the Las Vegas CoC including intake, assessment and prioritization processes.

Milwaukee CoC Coordinated Entry System Manual | Milwaukee, WI, September 2016
This draft Coordinated Entry System Manual provides a wealth of information on all aspects of Milwaukee’s CE system including key design decisions, system model, job descriptions, budget projections, implementation timeline and initial screening tool.

Final CA Customer Satisfaction Survey | Charlotte, NC
This is a brief survey that the Charlotte CoC completes with clients who are served via their coordinated entry system.

CAS DOPS Training | Dallas, TX, December 2015
This PowerPoint Training was used to educate the Dallas CoC membership and other participants in the CE system on the framework of the Coordinated Entry System, including prioritization, documentation, and assessment.

Coordinated Access System Operations | Houston, TX, September 2015
This document is a sample policy and procedures manual for the Houston CoC’s coordinated entry system.

Coordinated Assessment and Housing Placement Policy and Procedures Manual | Washington, D.C.
This document provides the policies and procedures of the Washington D.C. CoC’s coordinated entry system, which includes details on assessment, release of information, training, housing navigation, and housing matching prioritization process.

Action Camp Presentation | Los Angeles, CA, August 2015
This presentation is from an action camp held in Los Angeles to strategize and plan for their second year of implementing the CoC’s coordinated entry system.

Orange County Coordinated Assessment – Centralized Intake System for Homeless Services and Housing | Focus Strategies, February 2015
This report provides an analysis and set of recommendations for improvements to the Orange County CoC’s implementation of coordinated entry system. Analysis includes a review of the community’s current crisis response system.

A Coordinated Entry System for Los Angeles: Lessons from Early Implementation | Abt Associates, Inc., May 2015
This report presents key lessons learned from the initial implementation of the Los Angeles CoC’s coordinated entry system. Communities, particularly those with large and nuanced geographies, are encouraged to use this report to identify how they can enhance their local planning efforts.

West Virginia Balance of State CoC’s Program Standards for Coordinated Access | West Virginia Coalition to End Homelessness
The West Virginia Coalition to End Homelessness (WVCEH) developed a set of written standards to guide the local implementation of coordinated entry. The standards define key terms for their coordinated entry system and describe their access, assessment and prioritization processes.

Homeless System Evaluator Tool | Alliance, February 2014
This tool is designed to help communities determine how well they are preventing and ending homelessness based on data from their system. The tool helps determine whether a community’s homeless assistance system moves people into permanent housing quickly, helps people remain in housing, and generates these and other positive outcomes cost-effectively.

Coordinated Entry and Systems Change | Alliance, September 2015
This webinar provides an overview of coordinated entry, as well as the critical components: access, diversion, assessment and prioritization, and referral. This webinar is meant for communities just getting started with coordinated entry, as well as those working to improve existing strategies.

Strengthening the Shasta County Homeless Response System | HomeBase, September 2015
This report outlines several recommendations specific to the Shasta County, CA community, as they consider the best methods to implement their coordinated entry system. Communities are encouraged to review this report and identify how the process for identifying recommendations can be integrated into their own local planning process.

Assessment & Referral Manual | Dayton, OH, January 2016
The Dayton CoC developed a set of written policies and procedures to guide the implementation of their local coordinated entry system.

Community Shelter Board HEARTH Operating Policies | Columbus, OH
The Columbus CoC developed a set of written policies and procedures to guide the implementation and administration of all local projects, including their coordinated entry system efforts.

Core Elements for Coordinated Entry

This section of the toolkit provides sample documents on the following topics: Access, Assessment, Prioritization, and Referral. Within each topic of this section of the toolkit, communities will share assessment forms, maps and flow charts of their access processes, local prioritization policies, memorandums of understanding (MOUs) to facilitate the referral process, and links to HUD resources on these topics, such as the HUD Prioritization Notice for Persons Experiencing Chronic Homelessness.

View Resources

Please keep in mind that these are community developed resources, and are not official HUD guidance or resources and have not been vetted by the National Alliance to End Homelessness Center for Capacity Building to assure consistency with HUD’s Coordinated Entry Notice.


Prezi: Southern Nevada Coordinated Intake | Las Vegas, NV, June 2016
This Prezi provides a broad overview of Southern Nevada’s coordinated intake pilot for homeless households without children.

Coordinated Assessment Information Sheet | ECHO Austin, December 2015
This bilingual information sheet is designed to provide information to the general community and providers about the local coordinated entry system.

Connecticut Coordinated Access Networks One Pager | CT Coalition to End Homelessness
This one-page document is designed to provide a general overview of Connecticut’s Coordinated Access Networks (CANs). Communities can review this document to better understand how to create materials to explain and publicize their coordinated entry systems.

Community Resource Map | Los Angeles, CA
This online resource map gives information on resources available in the Los Angeles CoC.

Shelter and Diversion Screening Form | Columbus, OH
The purpose of this tool is to provide persons who are literally homeless with a path to shelter; to refer to facilities that are a more appropriate option than shelter; to make appropriate referrals to support services; to divert if possible.

CES Process Flow | Los Angeles, CA
This document provides a description of the various components of and process for the Los Angeles CoC’s coordinated entry system.

CES One Sheet | Los Angeles, CA
This document provides an overview of the Los Angeles CoC’s coordinated entry system.

Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan (AFHMP)-Multifamily Housing | HUD, February 2015
These templates were developed by HUD for communities to use in the development of affirmative fair housing marketing plans. These plans are required by HUD for coordinated entry systems, per the CoC Program interim rule.

Checklist for Incorporating Domestic Violence Providers into a Coordinated Assessment Process | The Alliance, September 2012
This checklist provides tips for communities to consider as they integrate projects that serve survivors of domestic violence, into their local coordinated entry system.

Coordinated Entry Flowchart | Ann Arbor, MI
This flowchart depicts the process for accessing the Ann Arbor, MI coordinated entry system.

Fact Sheet: Affirmative Fair Housing Marketing Plan | Fair Housing Center of West Michigan
This document provides an overview of the requirements for Affirmative Fair Housing Market Plans.

Coordinated Entry System Poster | IMPACT Inc., April 2015
This poster is intended to help advertise the availability of resources through the Milwaukee CoC’s coordinated entry system. A separate poster was created for two potential target populations (single men and families).

Vets@Home Crisis Response Toolkit | HUD, October 2015
This toolkit was produced as part of the Vets@Home technical assistance (TA) effort. It is focused on efforts that CoCs can take to best serve veterans experiencing homelessness, however, there are several overlaps with best practices that a CoC can undertake with implementing its own coordinated entry system for all populations.

PHA Guidebook to Ending Homelessness | U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness
This guidebook includes a chapter on how Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) can be engaged in local coordinated entry systems.

Coordinated Access Operations Manual | The Way Home Houston/Harris County, September 2015
This operations manual includes written standards, policies and procedures, and an overview of the Houston/Harris County CoC’s access, assessment, and prioritization processes. The manual also includes expected outcomes for each project type and the community’s workflow for HMIS and coordinated access.

Street Guide | Houston, October 2016
This document is a map of local providers, with contact numbers for where to go for help from these resources.


VA CES Survey Packet | Los Angeles, CA
This information packet provides survey instructions, the survey instrument, a checklist and contact information, all of which are specific to veterans that are being assessed through the Los Angeles CoC’s coordinated entry system.

Job Descriptions of Assessors and Housing Navigators | Washington, DC
This document describes the roles and responsibilities of the “Assessor,” or the staff person who uses an assessment tool to determine their priority for PSH and RRH and the role of the “Housing Navigator,” who works to assist in collecting all basic documents needed to be placed in housing.

Authorization to use or Disclose Protected Health Information Form | Washington, DC, November 2016
This document outlines the policies and procedures for disclosing Personal Health Information (PHI) as part of the local coordinated entry system.

Assessment packet | Washington, DC, November 2016
This collection of documents provides information on all aspects of the coordinated entry assessment process including client messaging, Authorization to Disclose Protected Health Information and VI-SPDAT Tool.

Client Messaging: Dos and Don’ts for Explaining Coordinated Assessment to Clients; Explaining Rapid Re-Housing for Single Individuals | Washington, DC, November 2016
These two documents provide recommendations for messaging Coordinated Entry to participants. One form explains the “Do’s and Don’t’s” of messaging the program, while the other advises on how to explain Rapid Rehousing programs.

DESC Intro to Vulnerability Assessment Tool | Seattle, WA, June 2015
This page describes the tool used to assess clients for the Seattle, WA CoC’s coordinated entry system.

Screening for Housing First | Canadian Observatory on Homelessness; Mental Health Commission of Canada, January 2015
This report analyzes fifteen assessment tools that are currently used by CoCs with persons experiencing homelessness. The report describes the relative reliability of each tool in assessing clients for the appropriate service and/or housing intervention.

Assessment Tools for Allocating Homeless Assistance: State of Evidence | HUD Office of Policy Development and Research, February 2015
This report presents the opinions and recommendations of key researchers and policy practitioners, on the current strengths and deficiencies of assessment tools used to assist people experiencing homelessness.

Montgomery County Assessment Tool | Dayton, OH, January 2015
This assessment tool is the Front Door Intake that is completed by providers participating in the Dayton, OH coordinated entry system. Results from the assessment are scored and used to inform client placements.

Tip Sheet Documentation of Unsheltered Homelessness | Dallas, TX
This one-page tip sheet provides detail on how to properly document unsheltered homelessness.


HUD Notice on the Prioritization of Persons Experiencing Chronic Homelessness | HUD, July 2014
This HUD Notice states the requirements for CoC and their projects to follow when serving persons experiencing chronic homelessness, as well as other vulnerable populations.

Introduction to Coordinated Entry | HUD, February 2015
This presentation was provided by HUD staff and focuses on the intent and the core operational components of the Coordinated Entry System. The presentation uses case studies as examples to guide Coordinated Entry staff through the access, standardized assessment, and referral processes intended to match individuals experiencing homelessness with appropriate levels of service intervention to resolve their homelessness.

Frequently Asked Questions on HUD’s Notice on Prioritization | HUD, July 2014
This HUD Notice states the requirements for CoC and their projects to follow when serving persons experiencing chronic homelessness, as well as other vulnerable populations.

Unified Supportive Housing System, Vulnerability Assessment | Columbus, OH
This Columbus CoC assessment tool is used to identify the vulnerability level of persons being assessed for coordinated entry.

Chronic Severity of Need Index | Dayton, OH, June 2015
This Dayton CoC tool is designed to guide the prioritization of those individuals who meet the criteria of chronically homeless. Each item equals 1 point unless otherwise noted. In addition to the resulting total score, the specific needs and barriers of each individual will be considered.

DOPS Prioritization Matrix MDHA | Dallas, TX, July 2016
This matrix shows how Dallas prioritized homeless categories using VI-SPDAT scores.

MDHA DOPS Form | Dallas, TX
Case managers complete this form and send to the Dallas CoC’s coordinated entry system office via email to request priority status classification. The office then researches and provides classification and is placed on the Central Housing Priority list.


Master List Template and Benchmark Generation Tool | HUD
This HUD template can be used to assist in the creation of a by-name list.

PSH Common Application | Charlotte, NC
The purpose of this application is to provide participating housing programs preliminary information for client intake as well as to collect and report data that is consistent with HUD’s recordkeeping requirements and ensure consistency with the Charlotte CoC’s prioritization of chronically homeless individuals and families for local PSH slots.

Unified Supportive Housing Vacancy Management and Lease Up | Columbus, OH
The Columbus CoC developed these policies and procedures document outlines the processes for managing the local vacancy and lease up system.

MOU between CoC Coordinated Entry System and providers | Milwaukee, WI, January 2016
This sample MOU shows the agreement between and responsibilities of the Milwaukee CoC service provider agencies and the CE system entities.

Coordinated Entry and Assessment Policy | Snohomish County, WA Department of Human Services, September 2015
This policy on coordinated entry also documents their local process for making referrals. Communities can use this to identify ways in which their local coordinated entry policies can identify and implement their referral process.

Vets@Home Connect to Permanent Housing Toolkit | HUD, October 2015
This toolkit was produced as part of the Vets@Home technical assistance (TA) effort. This toolkit focuses on connecting veterans to permanent housing options. Several examples are provided on how best to make partnerships to build community resources, which are likely beneficial for coordinated entry referral efforts.

Infrastructure for Coordinated Entry

This section of the toolkit provides sample documents on the following topics: Oversight and Management of Coordinated Entry, Data Management and Technology Infrastructure, and Evaluation. Within each topic of this section of the toolkit, communities will share sample budget proposals, job descriptions, surveys to evaluate coordinated entry systems, and HMIS data sharing agreements.

View Resources

Please keep in mind that these are community developed resources, and are not official HUD guidance or resources and have not been vetted by the National Alliance to End Homelessness Center for Capacity Building to assure consistency with HUD’s Coordinated Entry Notice.

Oversight and Management of Coordinated Entry

Southern Nevada Coordinated Intake FAQs | Las Vegas, NV
This document provides responses to frequently asked questions of providers participating in the Las Vegas, NV CoC’s coordinated entry system and those with general inquiries about how the system works.

Charlotte Mecklenberg CA Information Sheet | Charlotte, NC
This document provides an overview of the Charlotte, NC CoC’s coordinated entry system.

Houston/Harris County CoC Coordinated Entry System Presentation | Houston, TX
This presentation provides an overview of the Houston/Harris County CoC’s coordinated entry system.

Coordinated Access Fact Sheet | Houston, TX, October 2016
This document provides a brief overview of the Houston/Harris County CoC’s coordinated entry system.

Connecticut Coordinated Access Background and Map | CT Coalition to End Homelessness
This presentation provides an overview of the CT Coordinated Access Networks (CANs).

Matrix of Community Coordinated Entry Models | Focus Strategies, December 2014
This matrix provides a snapshot of eight unique implementations of coordinated entry systems. Information is provided on the access, assessment and prioritization processes for each community, as well as an overview of the relative strengths and challenges with each implementation.

SNAPS Weekly Focus: Why Coordinated Assessment is Critical to Ending Homelessness Locally | HUD, July 2013
This message from HUD SNAPS leadership provides a brief description of why HUD is focused on ensuring CoCs have implemented coordinated assessment systems. Communities can use this document to reinforce key HUD messages on the definition and application of coordinated entry.

Continuum of Care’s Coordinated Assessment System | HUD, September 2013
This presentation provides an overview of the coordinated entry system requirement under the CoC Program interim rule. The presentation explains the intent and details associated with this responsibility.

CoC Program interim rule | HUD, July 2012
The CoC Program interim rule codifies into regulation the requirements and expectations that HUD has for the homeless assistance projects that it funds through the CoC Program. Included in the interim rule is a definition of coordinated assessment/centralized intake (now referred to as “coordinated entry”).

Coordinated Entry Policy Brief | HUD, February 2015
This policy brief summarizes HUD’s views on goals for the coordinated entry process. This brief does not establish requirements for Continuums of Care (CoCs), but rather is meant to inform local efforts to further develop CoCs’ coordinated entry processes.

Coordinated Entry Notice | HUD
The Notice establishes new requirements that CoCs and recipients of CoC Program and Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Program funding must meet related to the development and use of a centralized or coordinated assessment system. It also provides guidance on additional policies that communities should consider incorporating into written policies and procedures to achieve improved outcomes for people experiencing homelessness. Each CoC is expected to establish or update its coordinated entry process in accordance with the interim rule and this Notice by January 23, 2018.

RFQ and Application for Coordinated Entry | Charlotte, NC, January 2014
This is a sample RFP that was used to solicit organizations to participate in the Charlotte CoC’s coordinated entry system.

Coordinated Entry Project Plan | Homeless Alliance of Western New York, August 2015
This local project plan was developed by the Homeless Alliance of Western NY as the CoC started its initial design of a coordinated entry system. The CoC’s project plan includes key dates and milestones, as well as a brief analysis of five local CoCs that have already begun the implementation of their coordinated entry system.

Organizational Structure | Washington, DC, September 2016
This polcies and procedures document explains tasks associated with the implementation of the Washington D.C.’s coordinated entry system. Roles and responsbilites of various staff are clearly outlined and explained throughout the document.

Coordinated Intake & Assessment Appeals Process for Clients | Jacksonville, FL
This document outlines the Jacksonville CoC’s client grievance and appeal process.

Coordinated Intake & Assessment Appeals Process for Member Agencies | Jacksonville, FL
This document outlines the Jacksonville CoC’s agency grievance and appeals process.

Coordinated Entry Assistant Manager Job Description | Milwaukee, WI
This is a sample job description of a Coordinated Entry Assistant Manager for the Milwaukee CoC’s coordinated entry system.

Job Description – Intake Specialist with Coordinated Entry System | Jacksonville, FL
This document provides the job description of the central intake specialist for the Jacksonville CoC’s coordinated entry system.

Coordinated Intake Change Advisory Team Meeting Agenda | Las Vegas, NV
Sample meeting agenda for core advisory group that meets regularly for the Las Vegas CoC to review the progress of CE system.

Charlotte MOU | Charlotte, NC
This MOU is an agreement between the Charlotte CoC and the local providers that are participating in the coordinated entry system.

Data Management and Technology Infrastructure

Coordinated Entry Program: Consent to Release Confidential Information | Milwaukee, WI
This sample form allows the individual accessing the Milwaukee CoC’s coordinated entry system to consent to release relevant personal information to the agencies noted in the form.

Agency Partner Agreement for Utah Homeless Management Information System | Salt Lake City, UT
This document details the agreement between the agency partner and the Salt Lake CoC’s HMIS Lead Agency to share data, as well as data collection and reporting expectations.

Revised Helen Report | Charlotte, NC
This document is a report on the Charlotte CoC’s coordinated entry system’s performance. The report looks at number of clients referred, placed, and type of assistance received.

HMIS training | Los Angeles, CA
This video training instructs users of the Los Angeles CoC on how to use HMIS to collect assessment data for their local coordinated entry system.

Is Your HMIS Ready for Coordinated Assessment? | Clarity Human Services, August 2014
This document summarizes the key questions that a CoC must ask of its HMIS to determine if it is the appropriate tool for coordinated entry.

HMIS Agency Participation Agreement | Coalition for the Homeless (Houston/Harris County), March 2013
This the Houston CoC’s agency participation agreement for HMIS.

Coordinated Entry and HMIS FAQs | HUD, March 2015
This HUD frequently asked questions (FAQs) document responds to questions about the coordinated entry process and how it relates to Homeless Management Information Systems (HMIS) for Continuums of Care (CoC).

HMIS Data Standards | HUD, September 2015
The HMIS Data Standards Manual is intended to serve as a reference and provide basic guidance on HMIS data elements for CoCs, HMIS Lead Agencies, HMIS System Administrators, and users. While HUD does not require the use of HMIS for coordinated entry, any CoCs using HMIS for this purpose must follow the data collection requirements in the Manual.

Interagency Data Sharing Agreement | NW Social Services Connections (Portland, OR), June 2015
This is the interagency data sharing agreement used by the Portland CoC’s HMIS. The agreement discusses how data will be protected and used.


HAC Monthly Housing Update | Los Angeles, December 2015
This report presents the monthly indicators for the Los Angeles CoC’s coordinated entry system.

Standards of Excellence | Los Angeles, May 2014
This document includes the Los Angeles CoC’s performance goals and quality standards for outreach programs, engagement services, emergency/crisis/interim housing, and permanent supportive housing projects in the Los Angeles CoC.

Coordinated Entry Toolkit (Evaluation Checklist) | Building Changes
This section of a toolkit on coordinated entry systems outlines the steps that CoCs are encouraged to take when preparing for an evaluation of their coordinated entry system. The checklist considers both HUD requirements for the system performance measures, as well as potential evaluation process models.

Coordinated Assessment Evaluation Tool | The Alliance, March 2012
The tool has two parts: one part should be completed before a coordinated entry system has been implemented, and one part should be completed six months to a year after implementation. Communities can use this tool as a quick way to assess how well their coordinated assessment system is functioning.

Evaluating and Refining Your Coordinated Access System | Abt Associates, March 2012
This document identifies project and system performance goals for the Ohio Balance of State Continuum of Care CoC and outlines how performance is measured and monitored.
This plan should help homeless assistance projects in managing both project and system-level performance.

System Performance Measures in Context | HUD, July 2014
This document briefly summarizes the HUD system performance measures.

System Performance Measure Guide | HUD, May 2015
The purpose of this introductory guide is to help CoCs understand how HUD expects CoCs to calculate and use the system performance measures as the established selection criteria for awarding CoC Program projects and to evaluate system performance.

System Performance Measure Tools | HUD, May 2015
The purpose of the System Performance Measures Tools page is to provide Continuums of Care (CoCs), Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) administrators, and HMIS vendors the tools necessary to consistently calculate and analyze system performance measures.

System Performance Measure Videos | HUD, October 2015
These videos can Continuum of Care (CoC) leaders, System Administrators, and other community stakeholders in understanding the system performance measures and facilitate conversations about how to effectively use the HUD-required system performance measures. Each video provides a detailed description of the purpose of the measure, an illustrated depiction of how the measure is calculated, and some considerations for how the results can be used locally to inform system planning.

Coordinated Entry Customer Survey | Milwaukee, WI
This survey document is provided to individuals who contacted the central intake point in the Milwaukee CoC to gather information on the experience of those accessing the system.

CA Oversight Eval of Pilot Diversion Project | Charlotte, NC
This is a local, brief evaluation of the Charlotte CoC’s diversion pilot program.

Charlotte Summary Report | Charlotte, NC
This is a sample local evaluation of the Charlotte CoC’s coordinated entry system.

Performance Standards | Columbus, OH
This document outlines the program performance standards to which the Community Shelter Board (CSB) in Columbus, OH evaluates homeless assistance programs. The standards are based on CSB governance policies, standards set by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, local continuum of care (CoC) measures, and accepted best practices.

HAWC Quarterly Report | Washtenaw County Continuum of Care (Michigan)
This local report documents the CoCs performance in meeting its local standards for evaluating its coordinated entry system.

CT Coordinated Access Data Dashboard | CT Coalition to End Homelessness, February 2017
This interactive dashboard report allows users to drill down for details on key performance indicators for the state’s coordinated access system.

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