The Alliance is excited to release the State of Homelessness 2019. This web-based annual report uses data to chart the nation’s progress towards ending homelessness. The information further informs policymaking as well as national discussions focused on improving awareness and solutions. As we move into a new year of the State of […]
Content Type: Publications
Serving Native Women Experiencing Homelessness: From Trauma to Transformation
This post is authored by Colleen Echohawk, Executive Director of Chief Seattle Club As Women’s History Month concludes, we have an important opportunity to discuss the intersection of women’s homelessness, their experiences of trauma, and racial inequity. Native American women […]
New Data Makes it Clear: Families Need Affordable, Permanent Housing
New data from the National Center for Homeless Education at SERVE indicates that 1.355 million children experienced homelessness over the 2016-2017 school year. The data highlights the challenge facing homeless school liaisons who are charged with ensuring each of these […]
What Housing First Really Means
No two people experience homelessness the same way. Some have a mental health diagnosis, some do not. Some are living with addiction, others are not. Some spend each night in shelter, while others sleep in doorways, cars, or encampments. Yet, […]
Five Questions for the Solutions for Individual Homeless Adults Conference
Next week, the Alliance will host its long-awaited West Coast conference. This year’s event represents a focused opportunity to address an often-overlooked population: individual homeless adults The sessions will take into account many subpopulations among individual adults, including veterans, youth […]