Content Type: Publications

Statement on Graham-Cassidy-Heller-Johnson Bill

Today, the National Alliance to End Homelessness officially announced its opposition to the Graham-Cassidy-Heller-Johnson bill. There is much speculation in the media about whether the bill will pass the Senate before a September 30th deadline, but the Alliance believes it […]

2017 Transatlantic Practice Exchange Report

The Transatlantic Practice Exchange 2017 reports bring together learning and reflections from professionals in US and UK homelessness services, who spent up to two weeks hosted by providers in each other’s countries. The UK group covered Housing First for Women, Employment, […]

They’ve Heard From Us. Now, Make Sure They Hear From You

This week, the Alliance hosted a Congressional briefing to highlight the incredible progress towards ending homelessness across the country. House and Senate staffers heard from Alliance partners about their successes to date, and their needs to keep the progress moving […]

Congress is Back to Work. You Have a Role.

Now that Congress has returned from their August break, they’ve turned their attention toward the work in front of them for the fall. The Alliance is staying plugged into the developments on Capitol Hill and continuing to make sure Congress […]

Housing is the Common Ground

Written by Guest blogger, Joshua Bamberger, MD, MPH, University of California, San Francisco; Chief Medical Consultant at Mercy Housing In recent months, the intense healthcare debate has often centered around our individual values: how much autonomy should we have to control […]