Content Type: Publications

Using Flexible Financial Assistance to Serve Domestic Violence Survivors 

During Domestic Violence Awareness Month, it’s important to reflect on how housing and shelter service providers can best promote safety for their clients. It’s clear that shelter ALONE is not enough: housing is critical. Domestic violence emergency shelter programs provide life-saving services: a confidential location where survivors can be safe from harm. And a place where they can heal until they’re able to safely return to their own home or secure new housing. The […]

Housing Is Safety

This post is written by Genese Jones-Torrence, Vice President of Crisis Services at SafeNest: Temporary Assistance for Domestic Crisis. We’ve all heard the saying that “home is where the heart is,” but have we ever thought about what else a home […]

Ending Unsheltered Rural Homelessness: Employment Is a Path!

While there are significant challenges to ending unsheltered homelessness in rural America, employment is a key solution. Recently, the Colorado Center for Law and Social Policy interviewed workforce directors, Colorado Employment First managers, and job coaches across 25 counties in […]

Rapid Re-housing Works: What the Evidence Says

A new paper released by Urban Institute pulls together the evidence for rapid re-housing. Over the past several years, rapid re-housing has become the primary tool to help people experiencing homelessness reconnect to permanent housing. The model began as an […]