The Alliance has released the five key strategies for advancing rapid re-housing. Those strategies are: Build the Evidence, Adopt Standards of Excellence and Practice, Make Rapid Re-Housing Part of Your System, Expand the Role of Partners and Acquire New Resources. […]
Content Type: Publications
Combating Homelessness By Engaging Mainstream Systems
written by Guest blogger, Phil Ansell, Los Angeles County Homeless Initiative Mainstream government systems are fundamental to combating homelessness; yet, homeless service providers often struggle to effectively engage mainstream health, social services, and criminal justice systems. Mainstream systems are key […]
Making Rapid Re-Housing Partnerships: Lots of Work To Do!
The Alliance has released the five key strategies for advancing rapid re-housing. Those strategies are: Build the Evidence, Adopt Standards of Excellence and Practice, Make Rapid Re-Housing Part of Your System, Expand the Role of Partners and Acquire New Resources. […]
Ready for the New Congress: 8 Things They Might Do
Big change is underway in Washington, DC! On Jan. 20, Inauguration Day, the same party will take control of both Congress and the White House. This was also the case at the beginning of the Obama, W. Bush and Clinton […]
2016 Transatlantic Practice Exchange Report
The Transatlantic Practice Exchange (the Exchange) provided an opportunity for UK and US professionals in the homeless assistance field to spend up to two weeks in the spring of 2016 with an organization “across the pond” to learn about innovative […]