Happy Medicaid Monday! This is the fourth of five blog posts each focusing on Medicaid and what you need to know to maximize the benefits of this mainstream resource for people experiencing homelessness. Check out our previous posts on Getting […]
Content Type: Publications
Let Congress know housing help is important
Next Thursday, September 1, the Make Room campaign will launch. This campaign will send a million messages to Congress demanding attention and action on affordable housing issues. The Alliance will join this campaign with Make Room USA and the Campaign […]
Application for Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program now open
There was a lot of excitement earlier this year about the extra money included in the FY 2016 HUD appropriation “to demonstrate how a comprehensive approach to serving homeless youth… can dramatically reduce youth homelessness.” We’ve all been eagerly waiting to find out just what that $33 million (plus $5 million for technical assistance) was going to look like, and now we know! HUD released the Notice of Funding Announcement (NOFA) for the Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP) yesterday.
TANF at 20: Improvement needed for homeless families
Today is the 20th anniversary of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program and so journalists, researchers, policymakers and advocacy organizations are weighing in: Did it work? How can it work better?
Medicaid Monday: Data is key!
Why do I need to share data to make my case? Healthcare payers need to see how cost savings through supportive services will directly impact their budgets. They also want to see what impact the programs they will be working with will have before getting involved. To demonstrate these savings and outcomes you will need to share data showing how people are crossing over between emergency and health care systems, and what changes for people once they are in housing.