Content Type: Publications

Crisis Response

What is a Crisis Response System? The goals of an effective crisis response system are to identify those experiencing homelessness, prevent homelessness when possible, connect people with housing quickly and provide services when needed. An effective crisis response system achieves those goals […]

Rapid Re-Housing

Rapid re-housing can end homelessness by quickly connecting people to a home and services. What is Rapid Re-Housing? Rapid re-housing provides short-term rental assistance and services. The goals are to help people obtain housing quickly, increase self- sufficiency, and stay housed. It […]

Looking back on the history of rapid re-housing

At the end of September, we convened nearly 100 homeless systems leaders, providers, funders and federal agency representatives to develop a common vision about how to advance rapid re-housing as a primary intervention in the homeless system. Next week, we […]

Fall 2016 Local Member Engagement Campaign

This page offers resources for advocates interested in engaging their Members of Congress through hosting them for a site visit, conducting in-district meetings, or attending public campaign events during in-district work periods in the lead up to the November election.