Earlier this week, the New York Times Editorial board released a response to the effort to end veteran homelessness in this country claiming that the results of the work to cut homelessness among veterans almost in half since 2010 reflects “shrunken ambition and mission failure.”We disagree. There is a difference between mission failure and a mission taking longer than originally anticipated. And the ambition is there to continue working until we meet that goal.
Content Type: Publications
Medicaid Monday: How to get started
Happy Medicaid Monday! This is the second of five blog posts each focusing on Medicaid and what you need to know to maximize the benefits of this mainstream resource for people experiencing homelessness.
7 things to take away from Nan Roman’s speech at #NAEH16
1. We are not helpless in the face of turmoil. “The country, and indeed the world, seems to be in turmoil …So many people …feel that the trajectory for themselves and their children is leaning toward less stability, less opportunity, […]
Medicaid Monday: What should you know?
Today we are introducing a new resource on Medicaid the Alliance put together in conjunction with TAC and CSH, titled “Using Medicaid to Pay for Services in PSH: Steps for CoC Leads to Get Started”. This resource outlines basic steps CoC leads can take to advance their efforts with securing Medicaid as a resource as part of the local system of services.
We’ve made progress with Congress, let’s keep the drumbeat going
Remember that drumbeat I talked about in July? In order to get other House members to stand behind this increase and to get Senators on board, people who care about ending homelessness will need to keep up a steady drumbeat […]