The True Colors Fund and National Alliance to End Homelessness are proud to announce a new group, comprised exclusively of young people, to contribute to the growing national dialogue on how to make youth homelessness “rare, brief, and one-time.” The National Youth Forum on Homelessness will ensure that our national conversation is informed by and filtered through the perspectives of young people who have experienced homelessness, and that strategies to end homelessness are generated by youth and young adults themselves.
Content Type: Publications
Newly signed law is an important step in ending opioid epidemic
Last Friday, President Obama signed a landmark piece of legislation into law. The Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA) is an important step toward ending our nation’s opioid epidemic. The Alliance is particularly excited about the opportunities to address opioid abuse for people who experience homelessness that this legislation offers communities.
2016 Continuum of Care Resources
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has released the FY 2016 Continuum of Care (CoC) Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA). Use our resources below to help secure the maximum amount of federal funds to assist people experiencing homelessness. […]
You can help keep the momentum going in Congress
More than 700 of you started a steady drumbeat when you signed on to our letter to Congress over the last few weeks. Here are the big things that will be happening in this year's campaign that can help continue the momentum.
Housing options lead to better outcomes
At Central City Concern (CCC), individuals experiencing homelessness need choices too, including the ability to live in the kind of supported housing that is clinically indicated for their needs. Central City Concern’s Housing Choice model has helped us meet diverse challenges and service needs for an array of clients; our agency employs Recovery Housing as well as Housing First supported housing programs.