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Content Type: Publications
During Pride Month, strive to better support LGBTQ homeless youth
While cities and LGBTQ communities across the country celebrate Pride Month, it’s a perfect moment to reflect on the many underserved youth that still require support. Here at the Alliance, it is our belief that a coordinated community response is the only way to end homelessness for LGBTQ youth. Most importantly, perhaps, we believe that ending LGBTQ youth homelessness is an achievable goal, and that it is everyone’s responsibility.
Here’s what nearly everyone can agree on in the Ryan poverty plan
A Republican task force from the House of Representatives, led by Speaker Paul Ryan, last week issued a report on policy approaches to poverty in the U.S. In some ways it was disappointing, since it provided little in the way of new ideas or specific proposals. The messaging around the report made it clear that it was an articulation of what Republicans agree on, to build support leading up to the November election, rather than a path toward consensus with the Democratic Party. Here’s what nearly everyone can agree on in the Ryan poverty plan.
Defining what it means to end chronic homelessness – we now have a clear goal
The goal to end chronic homelessness set by the federal government in 2005 was considered very ambitious. Today, we are excited to share that the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness and its 19 federal member agencies released criteria and a benchmark that define what ending chronic homelessness should look like. Being at a point where we are able to define what it means to end chronic homelessness is exciting — it means we have made significant strides and now need to plan an end game.
New toolkit for converting transitional housing
Many communities around the country are repurposing or reallocating their transitional housing projects to create new rapid re-housing subsidies and permanent housing units.
Our new Transitional Housing Conversion: A Building Owner’s Toolkit offers transitional housing building owners a step-by-step guide to addressing funding and use restrictions.