This Community Snapshot of Memphis-Shelby County, Tennessee provides an overview of the community’s progress on ending homelessness. From 2012 to 2014, overall homelessness in Memphis-Shelby County, Tennessee decreased by 21 percent and chronic homelessness among individuals decreased by 39 percent. And, the number of homeless families decreased by 30 percent, from 214 families in 2012 to 149 families in 2014.
Content Type: Publications
Alameda County Social Services Agency and EveryOne Home
This brief highlights two successful collaboration between EveryOne Home and Alameda County Social Services Agency to end family homelessness. It describes an initiative that combined the TANF Emergency Contingency Fund and the Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-housing (HPRP) program, and a demonstration pilot that uses federal child welfare resources and the expertise of local homeless service organizations to meet the housing needs of child welfare-involved families.
Promising Strategy: DeKalb Kids Home Collaborative
This paper provides an overview of the DeKalb Kids Home Collaborative, which is an example of a successful partnership forged between homeless service providers, the school system, and an employment service provider. The partnership emerged after school leaders and homeless service providers came together to help a mother and son struggling with homelessness. Their collaborative effort helped the family escape homelessness and inspired the providers to develop a formal partnership to help children avoid or quickly escape homelessness.
The Role of Child Welfare Agencies
This brief is intended for child welfare agencies that are responding to the housing needs of families involved in the child welfare system. It examines the research that documents the link between inadequate housing and child welfare involvement and highlights some of the innovative practices child welfare agencies have developed to respond to the housing needs of families in their care. Finally, it provides early lessons gleaned from some of these practices.
Overcoming Employment Barriers
Although research consistently shows that people experiencing homelessness want to work, they often face a variety of barriers to achieving this goal. This brief summarizes the findings of the National Transitional Jobs Network’s year-long undertaking to document promising employment practices for people experiencing homelessness, the findings of which were published in 2012 as the “Working to End Homelessness Initiative: Best Practice Series.”