Content Type: Publications

What is a Point-in-Time Count?

This resource describes the "point-in-time counts" – the regular count of people experiencing homelessness. The Department of Housing and Urban Development requires communities to submit these counts as part of their application for federal homeless assistance funds.

Incorporating DV Providers into Coordinated Assessment

This document is a checklist that Continuums of Care can use to use to ensure they are considering and incorporating the needs of households fleeing domestic violence and other forms of assault and harassment into their coordinated assessment processes. In addition to addressing the individual items in this list, systems should ensure they include domestic violence providers in the discussion of how the assessment system is structured from the beginning.

National Housing Trust Fund

The goal of the Trust Fund is to provide ongoing, permanent, dedicated, and sufficient sources of revenue to build, rehabilitate, and preserve units of housing for the lowest-income families.

LGBTQ Youth National Policy Statement

As many as 20 percent of the runaway and homeless youth population identifies as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning (LGBTQ). This suggests as many as 80,000 LGBTQ youth are homeless for over a week each year. These young people face particular difficulties. Ending homelessness for LGBTQ youth will require specific policies to address those difficulties.