There is some troubling evidence that homelessness is increasing among elderly adults. In this report, the Homelessness Research Institute presents this evidence and projects that homelessness among the elderly population will increase by 33 percent by 2020, and more than double by 2050.
Content Type: Publications
Rural Homelessness
The number of people who experience rural homelessness is unknown, but the last national count of homeless people found that 9 percent live in rural areas. The same structural factors that contribute to urban homelessness—lack of affordable housing and inadequate income—also lead to rural homelessness. One of the most important strategies in ending rural homelessness is prevention.
What is a Continuum of Care?
This resource explains what a Continuum of Care is, as well as details the necessary parts of a Continuum of Care (CoC) and how to plan a CoC. The US Department of Housing and Urban Development began to require communities to submit a single application for McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Grants in 1995. In 2009, there were 461 CoCs.
Strategies of State Mental Health Agencies to Prevent and End Homelessness
This is an issue brief presenting the ways state mental health agencies can work cooperatively with community members and lawmakers to prevent and end homelessness for those afflicted with severe mental illness. Key strategies are examined in this brief, as well as case studies of states that have successfully implemented some of these strategies.
Homelessness Prevention Guide
The National Alliance to End Homelessness has published this guide and companion to help organizations create a homelessness prevention program or improve an existing prevention program.