This is my final week with the National Alliance to End Homelessness. It has been a privilege to work with the many brilliant Alliance staff members over the years; to be led by a committed Board of Directors; to have […]
Content Type: Publications
Something to Be Proud Of
Despite the many parades and rainbows, the joy of celebration, and the strides that society as a whole has made to embrace LGBTQ people, there is still an ongoing fight for equality and equity, both inside and outside the homelessness […]
HUD Creates New Funding Opportunity to Address Unsheltered and Rural Homelessness
As leaders struggle to respond to public outcry, some are considering outmoded responses including arresting people for sleeping outside, or warehousing people experiencing homelessness into facilities with few services. Fortunately, this week the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development […]
Planning for Seasonal Weather Emergencies: A Solution or a Symptom?
Just about everyone in the human services sector knows this cycle. In anticipation of just such events, many communities spent the previous months formulating “summer plans” to help flex up services and resources to accommodate seasonal heat emergencies. And, of […]
Rising Rents and Inflation Are Likely Increasing Low-Income Families’ Risk of Homelessness
Rising rents and persistent inflation increase the risk for people becoming homeless and serve as barriers to people who are trying to exit homelessness. In a 2020 study, researchers at the U.S. Government Accountability Office estimated that “a $100 increase […]