Content Type: Publications

Demographic Data Project: Gender Minorities

During the 2018 Point-in-Time (PIT) Count, transgender and non-binary individuals were found in almost every state and nearly two-thirds of the Continuums of Care (CoCs) in the U.S.  Both groups are more likely to be unsheltered than the general population. […]

Why Housing First? Why Not Housing Second? Or Third?

Among the most common themes talked about in the homelessness sphere is the importance of adhering to Housing First principles.  Why is that? Housing First is a very simple concept that is often misunderstood.  Housing First is an approach to […]

Building a Conversation: Aged Homelessness on the Rise

Researchers are sounding an alarm on a trend that’s been emerging for years: the homeless population is growing older, and the number of older homeless Americans is growing larger.  This is a trend that providers, first responders, and medical professionals have been seeing for quite some […]

It’s Time to Talk to Congress

The next two weeks are a key time in Congress’s work to create spending bills for the 2020 Fiscal Year. Hearing from their constituents can make a big difference. This is a good time to sign up for the Alliance’s […]