Although people commonly think of homelessness as an urban phenomenon, data from HUD’s 2017 Annual Homelessness Assessment Report (AHAR) indicates that nearly 75,000 people experiencing homelessness were in Balances of State or Statewide Continuums of Care, a rough proxy for […]
Content Type: Publications
Transitioning to a Low-Barrier and Pet-Friendly Shelter Model: Catholic Charities Santa Rosa
Background Catholic Charities of Santa Rosa (CCSR), part of the national network of Catholic Charities organizations, provides day services, senior services, immigration assistance, health and economic wellness programming, and homeless services in northern California. CCSR operates three shelters, each serving […]
Moving On From the Midterms: Four Takeaways for the New Congress
The midterms are over, bringing us back to “divided government” where neither party has full control of the House, Senate and White House. I have some actionable thoughts about how it will affect our work with Congress to end homelessness. […]
Ending Veteran Homelessness on the Mississippi Gulf Coast
In 2014, veteran homelessness in Mississippi’s Gulfport/Gulf Coast Regional Continuum of Care (CoC) seemed intractable. Affording the basics in the CoC’s six counties (Harrison, Hancock, Jackson, George, Stone, and Pearl River) continues to be a challenge for many. According to […]
Ending Veteran Homelessness in Las Vegas and Southern Nevada: Veterans Affairs Medical Centers as a Key Partner
In 2010 and 2011, a national goal to end veteran homelessness made headlines across the country. Spurred by federal and local support, Las Vegas and the surrounding Southern Nevada region joined communities across the county to participate in the Mayors […]