It looks like the Appropriations Committees have a green light to put together a final omnibus spending bill for FY2017. That means that House and Senate staffers are meeting, probably right now, to iron out differences between their bills and […]
Content Type: Publications
Georgia Emergency Shelters Take on the Shelter Challenge
Emergency shelters play a critical role in efforts to end homelessness. They provide people with a safe place to stay and help them quickly return to housing. The Alliance’s Center for Capacity Building has been focusing on learning about effective […]
Rapid Re-Housing For Youth: Lessons from the Learning Community
Over the last year, there has been a dramatic expansion in the number of rapid re-housing (RRH) programs designed to serve youth. In 2016, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) awarded over $15 million to RRH providers […]
Policy Alert: The Administration’s budget and what it means for homelessness
Federal Policy Brief President Trump released his “skinny budget” on March 16. The proposed cuts to programs that help poor and low-income people are enormous, and the increases small. This budget proposal starts off the Fiscal Year 2018 budget season, […]
Catch up on the RRH Works Campaign
Throughout our RRH Works campaign, we have heard about the five key strategies for advancing the intervention discussed at the Alliance’s Rapid Re-Housing (RRH) Leadership Summit held in Sept. 2016. Today we are making commitments to scale up RRH in […]