Content Type: Publications

Creating Systems and Culture Change around Rapid Re-Housing

This brief provides guidance for communities interested or currently engaged in efforts to expand rapid re-housing. It examines strategies communities who have transformed their homeless service system used to engage leadership, providers and the community. A national shift is underway […]

Engaging Philanthropy in Ending Homelessness

written by Jen Saunders and Guest Blogger Jason D. Alexander, Principal, Capacity for Change, LLC What resources are available to communities to support rapid re-housing (RRH)? While there are a lot sources of funding available, communities are often unsure of […]

Where to Find New Funding for Rapid Re-Housing

The Alliance has released the five key strategies for advancing rapid re-housing. Those strategies are: Build the Evidence, Adopt Standards of Excellence and Practice, Make Rapid Re-Housing Part of Your System, Expand the Role of Partners and Acquire New Resources. […]