This brief examines action steps that homeless service system leaders can adopt to improve coordination by funders and the strengths and challenges associated with these strategies.
Content Type: Publications
Using Home Investment Partnerships Program Funds to Support Rapid Re-Housing
This is our fourth blog designed to help communities understand some of the resources available to help support rapid re-housing (RRH). Steve Berg of the Alliance talked about where communities could access new resources for RRH. We also blogged about […]
Using Community Services Block Grants to Fund Rapid Re-Housing
This is our third blog designed to help communities understand some of the resources available to help support rapid re-housing (RRH). Steve Berg of the Alliance talked about where communities could access new resources for rapid re-housing. We also blogged […]
Health Care, Medicaid, and Homelessness – What’s happening?
After several weeks of crisis mode in Congress around preserving Medicaid expansion, it’s time for a deep breath and a recap of what’s happened so far and what’s likely to happen next. The process has changed and slowed, the immediate […]
Creating Systems and Culture Change around Rapid Re-Housing
More and more communities are embracing Housing First approaches to ending homelessness that focus on permanent housing solutions, such as rapid re-housing. While Housing First and rapid re-housing are no longer novel concepts, the change that communities must often make […]